Aug 16, 2019
This month we had the privilege to chat with Cliff Reid
(@cliffreid)- a Retrieval Physician with Sydney HEMS. Dr. Reid
has an extensive history in HEMS and emergency/critical care
medicine. I wanted to pick his brain on a variety of topics such
Receiving a report from the crew you are intercepting
As you and your partner enter the back of the ambulance of the
crew you are intercepting with, there is a tendency for one person
to begin talking to your partner while the other speaks to you.
This can create an inefficient communication pattern that leaves
gaps in the handover.
Delegating tasks on scene.
Sometimes a specific skill needs to be executed, and that
intervention falls within the scope of practice of the crew you are
intercepting with. Do you let them perform it, knowing that
they didn't recognize or were intimidated to perform the skill
prior to your assessment? Do you use this as a teaching
Creating a constructive culture of peer review.
Nothing can be more uncomfortable than giving your
partner or colleagues feedback after a mission. Dr. Reid discusses
his approach to this necessary interaction in which he calls
"Coffee & Cases".
All this plus a lesson on the endangered wangaroo.