Aug 24, 2017
There is just not a whole lot of exposure to infusion mixing and administering in Paramedic school. In this episode I discuss what I think to be the four "must know" infusions in my current setting. High Dose Nitro! It doesn't make sense to break the CPAP seal every time you want to give a spray of nitro. IV nitro is...
Aug 11, 2017
My friend Rob Zoladz gave an incredible talk on why not treating abdominal pain is inhumane. He gave this talk for a new segment we are doing before each monthly training called "Breaking EMS Fallacies". This is our attempt to create a work atmosphere free from dogmatic beliefs. References: 1. Brewster GS, Herbert...
Aug 6, 2017
In this episode I converse with my friends Brandon Oto & Dominic Walenczak on how we can narrow the gap between our Critical Care Team and the transferring or receiving ICU. Brandon Oto's Website Dominic Walenczak's Podcast Are the levels of sedation in the...