Jun 27, 2018
The bed side transfer of a critically ill patient is a very pinnacle moment for logistics and strategy. As a clinician you will be performing a patient assessment, obtaining a report from the nurse or physician, and transferring medications or invasive lines from the facilities equipment to yours. In order for this all...
Jun 13, 2018
We sit back and laugh at the Hollywood physicians that shock asystole.. but what if they are on to something? In this episode Swami and I discuss occult ventricular fibrillation and the evidence to possibly support shocking the flat liners.
Jun 8, 2018
This is part two of the three part series on why finger thoracostomy should be the go-to in retrieval medicine. This talk was given by Cynthia griffin at CCTMC!
Jun 1, 2018
Cynthia gave a talk on why finger thoracostomy might be superior to needle decompression at CCTMC this year. She recorded a screen cast so we could share this with providers who couldn’t attend. This will be a three part series starting with pitfalls of the needle decompression. Enjoy!