Nov 12, 2017
The paramedic intercept is a skill just as any other. Commonly overlooked during initial training, effective communications used during the patient handoff plays a significant role in patient care. Actually, the Joint Commission concluded that 70% of hospital-related “sentinel events” involved communications,...
Nov 3, 2017
Lately I have received some really good questions and comments based off of my blog I did a few months ago "You're not dead until you have an airway." Here are those comments: "This seems to completely ignore the growing evidence that an airway during arrest is correlated with worse outcomes." The mere presence of...
Oct 15, 2017
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks" is clearly repeated by an elderly man who's family got concerned he was having a stroke when they noticed some gait ataxia. EMS does a quick Cincinnati Stroke Scale and doesn't detect any deficits, 12 lead looks normal, and blood glucose is within normal limits. Should he be...
Oct 6, 2017
“When you think you’re safe is precisely when you’re most vulnerable.” – Kambei Shimada, Akira Kurosawa’s The Seven Samurai Check out the show notes!
Sep 4, 2017
Before Google images and digital cameras, drawing was taught as an essential skill for scientist. This was the most effective way to communicate and teach findings. In addition, this allowed scientist to enhance their observation and identify holes within the way they see structures of study. As clinicians we are...